As I mentioned in my previous post, my word to define my year is CONFIDENCE. I feel like over the past few years, I have slowly been losing my confidence in many areas of my life. I don’t know why, but its peacing out. And I am not ok with that. And in the past 6 months, it has been getting worse. It’s time to do something about that. No more fear. No more “I can’ts”.
These are my measurable goals for 2013
1) Lose my last 10 lbs and get fit! How? Run 2-3 times a week plus doing another form of exercise (Insanity, Turbofire etc). I also want to run in several events. I have already signed up for the Color Run and the St Louis Rock N Roll 1/2 marathon!
2) Eat healthier. Meal Plan! I am going to begin posting my meal plans on Mondays and linking up with other blogs. This will help to keep me accountable!
3) Read my bible everyday and have quiet time everyday. This is something I really need, and the best answer I am going to find to improving my confidence. I started reading “The Story” on the 1st and plan to read this everyday. When I am close to done with that, I will come up with a new plan (the Story won’t take me all year.)
4) Improve my blog. I really want to grow my blog and encourage others with it. I have taken classes, read books, done alot of research, and I am ready to really get my blog out there. I have plans for this year and they are big.
5) Read! I really want to do alot of reading this year. I actually completed my 12 books in 2012 and so enjoyed diving into books again. Here’s to another year of reading!
6) Spend more one on one time with Dr Hubby. We need to have a date night every week, even if its spent at home, where we really focus on spending quality time together. We did this for a chunk of last yer and it was awesome, and then things got crazy busy. No excuses! We need that time together! We are also doing a devotional called “Night Light” each night together and we are going to do some form of a bible study each week together.
Cory’s chosen word of the year is: Spirit. I’ll let him take over from here and share with you his goals in his own words... take it Hubby!
Howdy! (The wife gives me a hard time for my Texas upbringing and the non-hello greetings that ensue.) Before I get started on my word of the year, I would like to say, “Thanks” to the missus for making me think of a word of the year, and then printing it in nice big flowing girly font.
Ok, where was I? The two year old found a pair of scissors and was attempting to cut his own hair…
SOO, in one word, I was supposed to describe my goals for myself over the coming year. Well, I am going to go through massive changes professionally, with the defending, graduating, and career(ing?) that should happen for me in 2013. Changes on this scale can be unsettling as we all fear the unknown, and I want to approach them with the right attitude (spirit). As we all know, a positive spirit results in a better transition.
In order to make it to these transitions, I need to finish the dissertation (roughly 20 pages to go), write a presentation, defend it, send off more job applications, write another presentation, and give a seminar at a company or university as a job interview. PHEW! That is a lot of stuff and that list needs to be done before this summer. I need to have fortitude (spirit) to maintain the work ethic needed to complete these tasks.
Finally, and most importantly, I need to grow with God. Being closer to God facilitates all other aspects in my life. Feeding, purifying, restoring my soul (spirit) through prayer and reading of God’s word will give me the strength to accomplish all the things I need to do professionally to provide for my family. God will give me the wisdom to discern balance between work and family. Finally, my faith will guide me while I hopefully lead my family on a path of righteousness throughout 2013.
Now, on to my specific goals for 2013.
1) I want to weigh 220 lbs again and in order to do this I am going to
2) Run 3x/week and ride 3x/week or workout 5x per week depending on weather.
3) I am going to defend and
4) get a job.
5) I am going to read the bible all the way through this year (This time chronologically)
6) I am going to pray more and listen more. (I pray everyday, but don’t always listen to God like I should)
7) Lastly, I am going to get the Roadrunner cruisable again so that it isn’t a giant lump in the garage.
Hi, Stephanie! I definitely need a definitive word for 2013. Confidence doesn’t always come easy, especially when you’re putting yourself out there and trying new things. I’m working on this myself, with work and my blog. I just keep telling myself life is short and I don’t have time to get in my own way…I’m really starting to embody the feeling. I wish you all the best on reaching your goals this year!
Stopping by from SITS!
Confidence is a hard one! But it’s something very much worth working towards. I think it certainly would make life just a tiny bit easier. Believing in yourself is so important! Thanks for stopping by!
Cute how you and your husband co-blogged 🙂 My husband once guest-posted on my blog, too. Happy New Year!
I love his humor. It totally shines through his writing 😉 Happy New Year to you too!
Awesome set of goals! You can do it!
I’ve been training for a 1/2 marathon that is next weekend. It’s been a great experience – totally rewarding!
Happy 2013!
Thank you! How excited are you for your 1/2!? Is it your first? It is soooo fun! Good luck!!