Day 15- The Comparison Game
The comparison game- the one where you look around you and either make yourself feel better (“At least I don’t look like that”) or worse (“why can’t I ever be as good as that?”) than others. We all do it and end up either with a dangerously high opinion of ourselves, or wallowing in self-pity.
I hate the comparison game. I never win. The comparison always leaves me feeling like, well, crap. It never leaves me with a good feeling. It leaves me with a feeling of insecurity, a feeling of the “not good enoughs.” That is a terrible feeling.
Why do we compare?
What shall we conclude then? Are we any better? Not at all! We have already made the charge that Jews and Gentiles alike are all under sin! –Romans 3:9
Because we are all sinners. Our hearts are corrupt. We compare because we want to feel good about ourselves, but it never works out that way, does it? Comparing leads to squashed self-esteem.
The world urges us to look within for a solution, to bolster up our self-image,to tell ourselves “You’re worth it.” Mostly, that’s how we deal with insecurity. We go back to our comfort idols: buying new clothes, dieting, playing comparison games. Things that make us feel worth something for awhile. But a close examination of my heart tells me that I’m not worth it- I’m worthless. No amount of self-help can change the situation. We need major OUTSIDE help.
And this outside help happens to be Divine help. Romans 3:9 says we are all sinners.
But…there is this little word called righteousness.
Righteousness defined: having a clean pure heart before God; being acceptable to Him; no longer having to hide from Him. <–Tweet that!!!
We are all sinners. But. There is a “but!” Isn’t that exciting? We are all sinners, BUT through God’s grace, we are acceptable to Him. His love for us has no conditions!! Through Jesus and the Cross, we can be righteous!
God’s heart is not like ours. God’s heart is full of GRACE. <--Tweet that!
My friend, there is no need to look for your identity in anything or anyone else, but Him!
This is a blog series: Exploring Identity! If you missed any of the others posts, here they are!
Day 1- Known
Day 2- What is Identity?
Day 3- You are God’s Masterpiece
Day 4- Are you hiding?
Day 5- God doesn’t make Mistakes
Day 6- Mankind makes a Mess
Day 7- Turning Heads
Day 8- Getting the Idea?
Day 9- What Jesus Knew
Day 10- Beauty
Day 11- Relationships
Day 12- Maid, Mother or Moneymaker?
Day 13- Anxiety Girl! DUH DUH DUH!
Day 14- Who’s in Control?
Crystal @ Serving Joyfully says
Great post 🙂 Found you on SITS girls link up and glad I did 🙂 I completely agree about the comparison game…I wrote about it a little bit, but have another post stewing. My son is almost 6 and he has some learning issues caused by high-functioning autism. Sometimes I lament that. And inevitably I get the response, “Don’t compare him to his peers. Just think about all the things he excels at. No, he may not be able to recognize his letters, but he’s better at bike riding than so and so.” And I just want to scream. Because, it’s like comparison is okay as long as we’re on top. But with comparisons, there will always be someone on the bottom and I know how much it stinks to be there.
I just wonder how awesome our lives could be if we just got off the comparison conveyor belt entirely and just focused on being ourselves, as created by God…and compared with His standards and nothing else. Something I strive for, but know I fail at.
Crystal @ Serving Joyfully recently posted…Hiding our Brokenness
Stephanie Farley says
Everything you wrote rings so true. Our lives would be so awesome if we didn’t compare. Comparing only brings heartache and longing, when our only longing should be our Savior. Thanks for stopping by 🙂
Nicki Edwards says
Thought you might be interested in reading a post I wrote last year about comparison. It’s something I struggle with big time.
Nicki Edwards recently posted…Connect the dots
Stephanie Farley says
Thank you for sharing this! Your post blessed me so much!
Nicki Edwards says
Thanks for reminding me where my true identity is found. I needed this today.
God bless
Stephanie Farley says
I’m so glad it spoke to your heart! 🙂
Mel Caldicott says
This is a really powerful post. I love what you have said here. I think I always come out worse in the comparison game as I often compare what I know about myself with what I don’t know about other people. Thanks for linking up at Essential Fridays. Blessings.
Mel Caldicott recently posted…How Do We Make a Difference? (& Essential Fridays Linkup)
Stephanie Farley says
I do the same and it doesn’t get me anywhere! It’s not helpful! I’m trying really hard to change this about myself! Thanks for stopping by!