I love this picture. And I really love this man!
I cannot imagine life with him. He is my soul mate!
Today is his birthday and I am not with him because I am heading to Orlando.
But I want to take some time today to tell him (and you) my top 10 reasons that I just adore this guy. There are so many more, but I would be writing this blogpost forever 😉
So, to the love of my life, here are the top 10 reasons I adore you!
10. You are so laid back and chill, and you totally balance out my spazzy and easily stressed personality.
9. You are so funny. I love that you can make me laugh and that there is a special extra sorta goofiness that you save just for me 🙂
8. You are so smart. I mean seriously, the smartest person I know. You amaze me with your massive brainpower!
7. You are so passionate about teaching and I love that you want to make an impact on the world.
6. You support me in all my hopes and dreams. It’s so awesome to have such a supportive husband!
5. You make me feel complete. I know that’s corny and all, but it’s the truth!
4. You are handsome! And you just keep getting handsomer (<–is that a word?)
3. You are my best, best, best, best friend!
2. You are an amazing father. When I see you and Eli together, it makes my heart so happy!
1. And the best thing about you is that you are a man of God and such an awesome leader in our home. God really knew what he was doing when He made man the head of the wife! 1st Corinthians 11:3 “But I want you to understand that the head of every man is Christ, the head of a wife is her husband, and the head of Christ is God.” I am so thankful that you are this man in my life.
I love you so much and I’m sorry I am not there with you for your birthday. Enjoy your birthday pie (the pie that you say doesn’t count for your birthday!) I’ll make you a cake when I get home!
Happy birthday Cory! You are the love of my life!!!!!!!!
There are no words that can describe how much you mean to me!
Positively Alene says
Happy Birthday, Mr. Smartypants!!! Love seeing the true love between the two of you. Blessings.