I participated in a campaign on behalf of Mom Central Consulting for L’il Critters. I received product samples to facilitate my review and a promotional item as a thank you for participating.
Little E was born in January of 2011. For the first year of his little life, he had recurrent ear infections and was sick all the time. If you even mentioned an illness, he would get it. He even ended up with the hand, foot and mouth virus. Not only was he sick all the time, but he also suffered from severe constipation until he was about 2. This poor guy had a tough way to go!
A little after his 1st birthday, he had an ear infection so bad that he had to have a rocephen shot and his eardrum was about to burst. It looked like tubes were in our future. A friend told me about how she had used a chiropractor for her kids and avoided tubes all together. That really peaked my interest!
I started taking E to our chiropractor at 15 months and his ear infections literally stopped! He has been ear infection free for nearly 2 years! He even stopped getting sick as much!
Alright, ear infections were a thing of the past now, but we were still dealing with severe constipation. I eliminated processed foods from his diet. His dairy intake was limited. His activity level was out of this world (he is a toddler after all!). He had fiber in every meal. I just couldn’t figure out why he was having such severe potty problems.
I worried he had some kind of intestinal absorption problem or something. You know how us momma’s tend to over worry! E’s pediatrician suggested fiber chews. Enter the L’il Critter Fiber Gummy Bears. It has 3 grams of fiber and is sugar free. Not only was he on the Fiber Bears, but I also put him on Juice Plus chewables which added another 2 grams of fiber.
Between our chiropractor and all the fiber E was getting, we finally resolved his potty problem. That made for one happy kiddo and one happy momma.
When I became pregnant, I started taking DHA chewables. I told E that I was taking the chews to help his baby sister grow. Of course, he wanted some too. Because we had such a good experience with the fiber gummy bears, I went back to the L’il Critter brand and got the Omega-3 DHA chewables. These chewables have 32 mg of DHA and 100 mg of Total Omega 3 fatty acids. They are also full of Vitamin A, C, D and E.
When Lil Critters contacted me to see if I would do a review of their products, I was excited because the fiber chews have really helped my little man. They sent us the Gummy Vites Complete and the Calcium + Vitamin D3.
The Gummy Vites Complete contain Vitamin A to support healthy eye development, Vitamin B-6 and B-12 to promote healthy cells, Vitamin C and E which is an antioxidant, and Vitamin D for bone support. It’s really great for an all around daily vitamin.
In just two chewables, the Calcium + Vitamin D3 contains as much calcium as a 5 oz glass of milk, which is great because my kiddo doesn’t get much dairy. Dairy aggravates his intestines and can land us back in the constipation department. This supplement contains 100 mg of phosphorus which helps maintain healthy bones, helps the body create energy and aids in the absorption of Vitamin B. These chewables also contain D3 which helps with calcium absorption.
As a mother, I really want to provide a well balanced and healthy diet for my kiddo. As we all know though, they go through picky stages. With these supplements, I never have to worry that he isn’t getting what he needs.
Wondering what supplements your child would benefit from? On the L’il Critters website, you can enter your child’s age and your health focus, and it will pull up what supplements will benefit your child. You can also expore the site and learn more about their specific products as well.
Lil Critters also gets bonus points for their packaging. Not only are the bottles bpa-free, but they also have a safety lid. These supplements are recommended for 2 years and up and a recommended dosage. Don’t fret if your little one gets it because they are going to need momma to get into it 😉
Since E has been on these supplements, he has been a much healthier little kid and rarely gets sick. His constipation problems have also resolved. I am very pleased with these products and will continue to use them for my little person, and I’m pretty sure my little person agrees 😉
Good thing your son underwent chiropractic care. Kids can really miss on a lot of fun things when they are sickly. Hope he continues to grow healthy.