God gave us the gift of prayer to turn our times of desperation into relationship opportunities with Him. This cycle is far more promising than distancing ourselves from His goodness with our own sense of self-loathing and defeat. -Lysa TerKeurst
Have you ever felt so desperate that you almost felt at a loss? And in that time of desperation, you have that familiar sinking feeling in your stomach. For me, it’s happened to many times to count in the past year and a half as I battled negative body image. I would say I want to change; I want this stinkin’ thinkin’ to go away; I want to be happy again, but in my self loathing, I would not act upon it. I would say “I’ll start again on Monday.” Monday would come around, and I may have been successful at my attempts to change momentarily, but I would fall back into my old habits quickly: “You’re ugly. You’re fat. Your body is a failure.” Gosh, I can’t believe I said those things to myself or how quickly I was distancing myself from the Lord.
I find myself nagged by the subtle feeling of defeat, disappointment, and frustration. This crushing cycle of powerlessness that I’ve come to hate continues. I don’t know about you, but I don’t want to wander around on a fruitless path unable to enter into the abundant life God has for me. -Lysa TerKeurst
Crushing. That is exactly how defeat, disappointment and frustration feel when you let Satan attack you with these three weapons. It’s a terrible feeling. But there is hope. You can turn those times of desperation into opportunities to grow in your relationship with Christ by opening your heart up to Him in prayer. (Take that, Satan!)
Give ear to my words, O Lord, consider my sighing. Listen to my cry for help, my King and my God, for to you I pray. In the morning, O Lord, you hear my voice; in the morning I lay my requests before you and wait in expectation. Psalm 5: 1-3
I desperately pleaded to Christ through prayer that He would help me overcome the ugly place I had found myself in. And I’ll tell you friends, He answered.
Maybe you are going through a difficult trial that leaves you with that sinking feeling? Maybe you too are suffering from negative body image? Maybe its food that is ruling your life? Maybe its a relationship that needs mending. Whatever it is, know that Christ is with you to start working you through it RIGHT NOW. You do not have to wait til Monday to start again.
You can start now.
Isn't that the truth! Sometimes we get so hell bent on beating ourselves up (all references intended) that we lose sight of the saviour and healer we have in Christ. He is our shelter. We should be running to Him to hide in His grace when we feel yuck. When my baby is sad and miserable she runs to me for a big love! We should be doing the same thing with our Father and God.
Be blessed!
In from SITS.
Amen!!! Thanks for stopping by!
I used to have a great deal of insecurity about my body but God had shown me how much He loved me no matter what I looked like or how others view me. God is amazing!!
He is so amazing!!