Tying our happiness to food, skinny jeans, relationships or anything else will only set us up for failure. But tying our security, joy, and identity to God’s love is an anchor that we can cling to no matter what the circumstance. -Lysa
2 years ago, when I really began the spiral downward into negative body image, I thought to myself:
If only I weighed X amount of pounds, I would be happy.
If only I wore a size small or medium shirt, I would be happy.
If only I wore a single digit pant size, I would be happy.
If only I could get back into those “skinny jeans,” then I would truly be happy.
*sigh* How could I possibly think that those things, and those things alone would make me happy? How could I really believe that if I was “skinny” that my life would be perfect? Seriously, what was I smoking?
The truth is that the number on the scale does not define my happiness. The size of my shirt does not define my happiness. The size on the tag inside my jeans does not define my happiness. When you start to think the ” I’d be happy if only’s,” then you are in trouble and you are setting yourself up for a world of heartache. I speak from experience…
Often times we tie our happiness to our circumstances, and while yes, some circumstances are significantly better than others, these better circumstances don’t lead to pure bliss…because there is always going to be “something else” that we just aren’t satisfied with.
Our identity is not found in circumstantial happiness. It is found in God’s love. If we cling to that no matter the circumstance, then we just might stand a chance of true happiness.
Do you ever feel the IF ONLYS? How do you fight those thoughts off? Share in the comments!
Join me next week for the final post of the Made to Crave series!
It is such a struggle as a woman to remember that we are not defined by how we look or what size we are. I can definitely relate and know so many others can to as well. I need some of the young girls I’ve worked with at church to hear this truth and understand they are beautiful! Thanks or sharing God’s truth in a world where women are told something different daily. You are inspiring and encouraging.
Christine (iDreamofClean) recently posted…Preserve Children’s 3D Artwork with the ScanSnap SV600 (plus Giveaway!)
Thank you so much! I know so many struggle with this. There is a bible study called Beauty by the Book (which I did a series on) and it changed my life. There is also a teenager version of it that could be used to teach young girls about biblical beauty vs physical beauty! You can find it at Priority Ministries website. 🙂
I struggle with this as well. It is so hard. I love your thoughts though and plan to remember them when I have similar struggles.
It is so hard! Praying that you will fill your mind with positive affirmations!
So true! I think we’ve all been there at some point or another… or all the time. HA!
I’ve been battling it a LOT lately. I have to go back to Phillippians 4:11 frequently to remind myself that happiness comes from nothing on this earth.
Not that I speak in respect of want: for I have learned, in whatsoever state I am, therewith to be content.
Whenever I stop and meditate on this verse, I quickly remember all that Christ did for me on the cross, and all the many blessings He has given me. How can one not be happy when their thoughts are on God?
And yes, I’ll fall and make this mistake time and time again. I’m human, but that scripture always reels me back in.
Angie recently posted…When The Lord Protected Me From… ME!
Oh girl, you are not alone! There are so many of us battling it right now. But that is a powerful verse!!! And a great reminder of where our true happiness and joy comes from.
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