I sort of disappeared off the face of the blogging planet last week! Sorry! Mr. Smartypants, E and myself traveled 850 long miles to St Louis to visit my family and friends for spring break. It just so happened to be a business trip as well. Mr. Smartypants had an interview last Monday at a nano-energetics research company!! The job search has begun! This year will bring many changes for our family as my amazing husband defends his dissertation for his phd THIS FRIDAY! This means a graduation of May, a move and a new career in the horizon!
In other news, we are back home in Texas, which means I will get back into my regular blogging routine as well as meal planning. So here is this weeks meals!
Monday- Cheesy Chicken and Rice **Greatest Hits**
Tuesday- Smothered Spinach and Mushroom Chicken with baked potato
Wednesday- Church Dinner
Thursday- Crispy Southwest Chicken Wraps
Friday- Celebration Dinner for Mr. Smartypant’s defense!
Snack items to be made this week
Carrot Zucchini Frittata Fingers
Tune in tomorrow for a really embarrassing {Share Your Life} moment. Oh the joys of being the mother of a 2 year old!
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