Well, it’s good to be alive! Last week, I thought I may just die from a brain explosion. I had a sinus infection for a couple weeks, but was on the mend. Or so I thought. Last Sunday after church, I got a headache that quickly escalated to a migraine, thus the term brain explosion. The next day, that migraine turned into a migraine + body aches + stomach pain. Tuesday, it turned into migraine + body aches + stomach pain + the right side of my face feeling like it was going to explode. I was pretty much dead to myself for 4 days, which explains the lack of blogging. A quick doctor visit and some antibiotics later, I am feeling functional again.
In other news, our bountiful basket was pretty much amazing and E and his buddy Caden rather enjoyed the peaches. 🙂
Here’s this week’s menu!
Breakfast: Chocolate Banana Bread
Lunch- Leftovers
Dinner- Crock Pot Loaded Baked Potato Soup
Breakfast- Chocolate Banana Bread
Lunch- Hubby and Kiddo are on their own. It’s Mommy’s coffee shop day!
Dinner- Cheeseburger Macaroni
Breakfast- Maple and Brown Sugar Muffins
Lunch- Mac n Cheese spaghetti Squash
Breakfast- yogurt and fruit
Lunch- Homemade Fresh Vegetable Soup
Dinner- Deer steak, mock cauliflower mashed potatoes and green beans
Breakfast- yogurt and fruit
Dinner-Creamy Chicken Lasagna
Wow! Look at all of the fresh fruits and vegetables.
Have a delicious week.
Rona B recently posted…Glasses.Com In Home Try On Frames Review
Glad you are feeling better and love the menu!!! 🙂
Lisa @ The Golden Spoons recently posted…Tuesday Ten – Things That Make My Kids Whine
Thanks!!! I made the chicken lasagna tonight and it was delicious!