Disclosure: I was not financially compensated for this post. However, I received these products for free from Peak City Publishing for review purposes. The opinions are completely my own based on my own experience.
I absolutely love to read. There is nothing better than curling up on the couch with a good book!
Oh wait…yes there is…
Curling up with a book and your little man!
Dr. Smartypants and I both love reading and we really want to instill that love for books into our son (and future children.) It is extremely important to us! In this day and age, there are so many e-books and reading apps that are great and yes, we do have them, but there is just something about holding the actual book in your hands that can’t compare to an e-book. A real book is tangible. I love holding it. I love getting lost in it’s flip-able (is that a word?) pages. I love seeing my progress every time I open to my bookmark. I admit to being a bookworm 🙂
We started reading to E at a very early age. I’m talking like 3 months old. And we have been reading to him ever since. The kid loves books. Now that he is a toddler, he has started “reading” to us! It’s soooo cute as he tells us the story in his own words. It totally warms my heart.
2 weeks ago, we started potty training. You may be wondering how potty training and reading has anything to do with each other. Well, let me introduce you to the “Mo-mo Potty Chart.”
I explained to E that everytime he goes in the potty, he gets a piece of chocolate aka “a candybite” and he gets a sticker for his Elmo potty chart. When he gets 7 stickers (a whole row of stickers), he will get a new book! Because of his obsession with Elmo, I thought the Elmo potty chart, Elmo potty seat, and Elmo foot stool would do the trick and inspire him to use the potty. Nope. Once I explained to him about getting a new book, potty training went to the next level and he has been doing soooo good! My kid is motivated by books! How awesome is that!!
And I have Peak City Publishing Company to thank for jump starting our potty training.
Peak City Publishing is an independent publisher located in Raleigh, North Carolina. Their mission is to not only instill a love for reading into children and adults alike, but they also help new authors dreams come true. If your story fits their mission to educate, encourage, and engage readers of all types, they are an excellent place to work with to publish your first book! Not only that, this company is also very involved in their community, helping to raise awareness of things that impact our young children today, like autism, special needs and bullying. I feel honored to support a company that is doing so much good for our young children and their families!
This sweet book, How I Became Me, is a perfect example of what the company stands for, sending a positive message to our children that we will love them always and unconditionally. Just read this page! This book seriously made me cry! It is read from the child’s point of view, telling his parents what they did for him at each age and how they helped shape him into the person he became to be. It is a precious book and my favorite of the books that Peak City Publishing sent me. I just adore the message it sends!
Follow the Bouncing Ball is just a super fun book! This was actually the book E got for filling up his first row in his potty chart. It’s a great counting book as the ball bounces over various things like dirty shoes, bowls of spaghetti and even right out the door. At the end of the book, each number gets its own spotlight on a page in both English and Spanish, which is perfect as we are trying to teach E to count to 10 in both languages!
Welcome Back Sun is another sweet book that is perfect for preschool age children. The vibrant colored illustrations help with color recognition and the phrasing is short, sweet and easy for toddlers to understand. My son loves to tell the moon and stars night night so I know he will love this book. The illustrations give you and your child much to talk about from counting stars, to animals and the sounds they make, to rhyming words. This is an excellent toddler book! **And as I post this, E just got another row of stickers on his potty chart. I just gave him this book as a reward and he immediately started singing “twinkle twinkle little star!” We read it and counted the stars, made animal sounds, and pointed out colors…He loves it!**
This company is awesome, offering a great reading experience to adults and children alike ranging with books from preschool age to young adult to adult fiction, offering both in printed books and e-book form. And they offer help and guidance to new authors who are looking to publish. Authors that work with Peak City Publishing are moms, dads, teachers, students and based on the books I reviewed, awesome role models!
Peak City Publishing is sponsoring this awesome giveaway!
Enter this giveaway and have a chance to win any book of your choice from the Peak City Publishing website!!!! Winner will be announced next Friday!! They have also been so kind to give all my readers free shipping. Just enter the discount code CrayonsandMarkers at checkout!
**If you are new here, welcome! I’d love to have you join me over at my facebook page!**
Donna says
Reading is such a wonderful gift to instill in a child. They are never too young, or too old, to be read to. Beautiful books.
Donna recently posted…Of Prom Dresses and Chickens
Stephanie Farley says
I don’t know what my world would look like without books! I love ’em!!
Stephanie Farley recently posted…Menu…Tuesday
Honeybee says
Cute picture. The baby looks so serious holding his book, like he can read. 🙂
Honeybee recently posted…Debate: Weight Loss Deadline — Yes or No?
Stephanie Farley says
Thanks!! He thinks he can 😉
Emily Hendrix says
I feel like you can never have too many books! Especially when your child gets stuck on one book for a week at a time. We always have to coax him to try a new one and then he’s obsessed with that one!
Stephanie Farley says
E does that too!! He has his few favorites, until we introduce a new book and it becomes his new favorite!
Keia Lee says
My little Aspen loves books too! I buy her new ones all the time. I will have to check out this company 🙂
thanks for sharing!
Keia Lee recently posted…DIY Quote Pillows
Stephanie Farley says
They are an awesome company and very affordable! 🙂
Rebecca says
Awesome!! We started potty training our son a couple weeks ago but then stopped. We figured he was not ready. So we might start back up next week after buying him a cars potty seat. I did the sticker chart for my daughter and she loved it. I think with my son though I have to go with some kind of candy, lol. I love that your son loves books. so cute!!!
Stephanie Farley says
Potty training is soooo not fun! Once you find what motivates them, it gets a bit easier. E’s getting better about going everytime we put him on the potty. It’s getting him to tell me when he needs to go. How do you get them to tell you?!?!
Kathy Balman says
Yes we love to read. We visit the library once a week and check out about 50 books each time.
Kathy Balman recently posted…Can’t Wait Willow Book Review
Stephanie Farley says
That’s great! My parents took us to the library once a week when we were growing up. I loved it and will totally be doing that with our kiddo soon! He’s just getting to that age that we can take him and know that he understands how to respect a book 😉
Stephanie @ Diary of a Debutante says
Fabulous post and giveaway! And yes, I do love to read… anything from Agatha Christie murder mysteries to non-fiction business books. Happy Mother’s Day!
Diary of a Debutante
Stephanie @ Diary of a Debutante recently posted…Bedsider.org//What’s in Your Bedside Drawer?
Stephanie Farley says
Happy Mothers Day to you too!!! Thanks for participating!
Shiloh Burnam says
Thank you, Stephanie! I am so honored that you enjoyed the books and you praised the company. Exactly what I needed today! I wanted to throw in that I too potty trained my son and daughter with books. Send ’em in with them to keep them busy while they tried.
Thank you, Again!!
Stephanie Farley says
You are so welcome!!! We have so enjoyed the books you sent us! I love how involved you guys are in your community and what you stand for! Such a great company!
Jessica says
Thanks for the giveaway! My children LOVE to read (so do I) and they have a crazy amount of books! My oldest, 5, reads through her entire rest time, and I will often find her sitting on her bunk bed alone reading books. She’s a GREAT reader, and I’m glad she loves books so much 🙂
Jessica recently posted…The Measure of a Good Mom
Stephanie Farley says
I feel like I’m doing something right when I see my little one immersed in a book! Doesn’t it make you feel so good to see that love for books in your kiddos?! 🙂 I just love it!