For although they knew God, they neither glorified him as God nor gave thanks to him, but their thinking became futile and their foolish hearts were darkened. Romans 1:21 I see myself in that verse. Do you? Have you ever experienced a time in your life where you knew God, but your thoughts and your […]
positive body image
Who is at the center of your resolutions?
It’s a new year and like most of the world, you may have made a resolution to lose weight and get healthy. That is a great resolution! But can I ask you a question? Who are you doing it for? Yourself or Christ? Resolutions are great as long as Christ is at the center of […]
{Exploring Identity} Becoming who you are
Where do you find your identity? Is it in your appearance? Your work? Your finances? Social status? The activities you are involved in? What defines you? In other words, do you have an idol? That [idols] was where I was finding my identity, rather than in Jesus’ love and what He’s done for me. The […]
{Exploring Identity} Beauty
We have a winner for the Peak City Publishing book giveaway!!! Congrats to Stephanie from Diary of a Debutante!! I sent you an email! And remember, all my readers can get free shipping at Peak City Publishing’s website until May 30th, 2013. Just enter the code CRAYONSANDMARKERS at checkout. There’s nothing wrong with wanting to […]