On Saturday, the 18th, I turned another year older. I turned 27. I only have 2 years left to claim my 20s, but you know what, I am ok with that. I love getting older. Life gets more and more fulfilling as the years go by.
I say BRING ON THE 30s!
So many people made my birthday special. And I just have to share the day with you!
7:30 – Wake up to a babbling little boy coming across the baby monitor. I went in to get him and he greeted me with a HUGE grin (which he always does) and of course, he then proceeded to point to the few stuffed animals that he threw overboard out of the crib (which he also always does).
7:50- Phone rings and a little old lady starts singing happy birthday, tells me age looks good on me, and without allowing me to say anything more than thanks, she wishes me a great day and says goodbye! I start running through all the little ladies I know and it dawns on me. There is a sweet little lady in her 80s at our church (whom I really don’t know very well but have talked to her in passing) named Jo. She is known as the Hat Lady. Every Sunday or any church event, she has a new hat on and it always coordinates with her outfit. I looked her up in the church directory and sure enough, it was her number that came across the phone. I raced into tell my husband, hollering through the house “THE HAT LADY JUST CALLED TO TELL ME HAPPY BIRTHDAY!!! CAN YOU BELIEVE IT? HOW DID SHE KNOW??? THE HAT LADY CALLED ME!!!”
Like I said, I was a little excited.
7:55– I call and wake up my mom to tell her the story. Sorry Mom. I was excited. Mom laughs and replies “the hat lady beat me to wishing you a happy birthday.” No Mom. You texted me at midnight…You still win!
0815: Although I had offered to let the hubby sleep in, he got up and proceeded to make me a birthday breakfast. And in our household, calories don’t count on your birthday.
He made me chocolate chip smiley faced pancakes. Yes, I am a 5 years old.
Eli of course wanted to partake in my birthday breakfast. So we sat at the table and shared chocolate chip smiley faced pancakes.
9:30– Arrive at MOPS (mother of preschoolers). I told the girls about my Hat Lady experience and they were like “oh you got Jo-ed! Lucky she didn’t call you at 6 am!” Even if she calls super early, no one can get mad at a sweet little lady calling to wish you happy birthday! To continue the awesome morning, my friend Brittany had sneakily been asking me questions this past week about my favorite food/drink at the Brew -a coffeehouse I frequent on Tuesdays and Thursdays. I thought she was asking me what I liked so she could try it, but no. I get to Mops where she presents me with a quiche and a White Chocolate Mocha. MMMM! Thank you Brittany! And then my friend Carrie brought homemade crepes. I’m about to bust but I had to just try 1/2 of one and oh were they delicious! (good thing calories don’t count on your birthday, right?) We then got to know our new pastor’s wife, Melody, as she gave us her testimony and shared with us some wonderful parenting tips, followed by some crafting time.
1230– Mops ends and I venture over to a cute boutique called It’s a Girl Thing. My friend Emilee had given me a gift certificate to there and guess what. They sell Vera Bradley (which I am slightly addicted to). With birthday money from the hubby’s grandparents and the gift certificate, I picked up a few things… 😉
Thank you Emilee and Mimi & Papa!!
Going to use this little organizer for bills and such. LOVE this and it matches my tote 😉
and then this beauty…
New cosmetic roll up bag. I can get all my makeup and mary kay in there!!
And this is what Hubby got me for my birthday. A Vera Bradley laptop attache. Now I can go blog at the Brew in style 😉 (Note about the picture- I am not a photographer…yet…and I realized after the fact, there was a hedgehog that appears to be sitting on top of my bag. *sigh* Must really start paying attention to picture detail!)
100- Get home to a hubby cleaning house! Spend the afternoon with my little family and get ready to go out for the evening!
430-1000 pm:- Head off to Lubbock to spend the evening worshiping our Lord and Savior at the Rockin Worship Roadshow with our friends and super sweet couple, Tiffany and Matt. It was an AMAZING concert!! And thank you Morgan for watching Little E so we could have a late night out!
I discovered that I really like Christian hip hop!!! This is Lacrae performing.
I think I found some new running music!
Here’s the lyrics to the same song in the first video (so you can hear the words)
This is a beautiful song. Before I started recording this video, he said “You think hip hop and Christianity can’t go together. But that’s wrong. It’s not the music that’s bad. It’s the message behind the hip hop that is wrong. God can be worshiped through hip hop music if the message is the right one.” Amen!
Hearing an entire arena of people worshiping God is so awesome!
The concert was incredible. It was only $10 a person and featured some really great bands:
Sidewalk Prophets, Hawk Nelson, Tenth Avenue North, Disciple, Lacrae and my personal favorite: MercyMe (they get thier own future blogpost as thier music has significantly impacted my life!)
1045: Get back to Tiff and Matt’s house where we have a late, but so wonderful homecooked meal! Tiffany is an amazing cook! Why were we having dinner so late? Cuz I was super blonde and got the concert time mixed up…I’m such a dork!! And to make the night even more wonderful, Tiffany had made special little birthday cheesecakes!!
We got back home about 130. Latest we have been out since Eli was born! We felt so young again! Hahaha! It was suuuuuuuch a wonderful birthday. I felt so loved all day. I recieved phonecall after phonecall, text after text, and about 60something birthday messages on facebook (which I actually went back and thanked each person individually because it was so sweet of them to think of me!) I really had a fantastic birthday! Thank you to all those that made it so special!
PS: Weigh in today —127.8 lbs! Down 0.6 lbs so apparently my “calories don’t count on birthdays” didn’t get me into to much trouble!!!
Thank you! It was a wonderful birthday! I really am liking the Christian hip hop. I had no idea I liked it but I do and it makes for some great running music!
Happy Birthday! I recently started listening to Lecrae, great music. Sounds like you had a wonderful day 🙂