God loves you so much that He doesn’t want you to stay in a place of defeat.
I read that line and I was hooked on this book. I was living in that place of defeat as I struggled with negative body image, as I loathed my body, as I longed for the perfection I knew I could never achieve. God hurts for us when we are in that place of defeat. This book helped me to find the light and to find my beautiful.
Made to Crave: An Intro
Misguided Cravings
Made for More
Are Cravings Chasing you?
Desperation Breeds Defeat
Think it Over
Finding My Beautiful
I’ll Start again on Monday
I could NEVER Give Up That!
But Exercise Makes me want to Cry!
It’s Not Fair!
Finding Fulfillment
Replacing Lies with Truths
The Perfect Portion
A Blogposts about Boobs. Sorta
The G Word
Liar Liar Pants on Fire
The Curse of the Skinny Jeans