Another year has passed. I can’t wrap my mind around the fact that it is 2015 and I will be 30 next month!
Alot of people fear that dreaded number. It somehow resembles the end of youth as you say goodbye to your 20s. Ya know the phrase, “29 forever!” How many people do you know that have celebrated their 29th birthday over and over again?
This year I say goodbye 20s! Farewell! Adios!! Bring on the 30s!!! I am excited for what God has in store for my thirties. I am blessed with an amazing husband who has a great job in an amazing location (I am looking at mountains right outside my window!). I am blessed with two beautiful children that God has gifted to me. I am blessed with an awesome church and great friends. I am blessed!
You’ve probably seen it floating around the internet where you pick out a word for the year; A word that sums up all of your “resolutions” into one word. I have to admit that I don’t really like the word resolutions. The word resolution is defined as “a firm decision to do or not do something.” Honestly, how many of us actually stick with those firm decisions? I guarantee that almost all of us wave goodbye to some of our resolutions at some point in the year.
Why don’t I like the word resolutions? Because there is no grace in that word!
[Tweet “Resolutions can overwhelm us. Goals give us room for grace. “]
A goal is defined as “the object of a person’s ambition or effort; an aim or desired result.” A goal may look alot like a resolution, but the word goal gives you a different mindset. A resolution is almost like a do or die. A goal is something you are trying to attain or change, but again, it can be done one small step at a time, ensuring that you can show yourself grace.
I love the idea of picking a word for the year, but I wanted to go beyond that and choose a bible verse to go with my word.
Sometimes I feel like I live in survival mode, especially lately, as I adjust to life with a toddler and a new baby.
I’m going to go so far as to have a theme song for my year!
Just to know You and to make You known
We lift Your name on High
Shine like the sun made darkness run and hide
We know we were made for so much more
Than ordinary lives
It’s time for us to more than just survive
We were made to thrive
I don’t want to just survive! I want to thrive! I want to thrive as a mother, a wife, a friend, a blogger and a christian!
I am still working on my measurable goals. I just finished reading Erin Odom’s book (from The Humbled Homemaker) Your Retreat: A Guide to Giving Yourself a Personal Planning Day (aff. link). It’s a great read and it comes with free printables to help you brainstorm and write out those measurable goals! It’s a great resource and it is on sale for only .99 cents!
Have you chose your word and verse for the year? I’d love to hear them in the comments!
Oh Stephanie, I just love this. THRIVE is perfect. And that verse speaks to me so deeply. i love your perspective, my friend. You are most assuredly in SURVIVAL mode with those two littles!! i remember those days… but you CAN find room to THRIVE. God will make it so, with your faithful heart. <3
Chris Carter recently posted…Ten Tips For The Woman In A Leg Cast
Thanks for the encouragement, sweet friend!
Stephanie recently posted…10 Rockin’ Christian Songs for a Worshipful Work Out
I’ve been choosing a “word for the year” since before it was cool. LOL In fact, my very first word was THRIVE! And it was the year after my last baby (#4) was born. I’d actually spent the last SEVERAL years just surviving. After my 2 girls were born, I had a miscarriage, survived my husband’s 2nd deployment, lost a dear friend during childbirth, had another miscarriage, survived my husband being away for 2 months at OTS, went through a high risk pregnancy, had my son, moved to a new city, survived another 2 months away from hubby, got pregnant when my son was only 7 mos old, went through another high risk pregnancy and had my daughter – all within 3 years. It was a ROUGH few years to say the least. So my resolve was to THRIVE that year. And thrive I did! So seeing your post brought back wonderful memories for me! Memories of God being faithful through the hardest time in my life.
Wow! God has certainly carried you through! Looking back, I am sure you can see God’s hands in all of it!