It struck me that so much of our struggle[with identity] is because we give too much importance to what other people think of us…It’s also about wanting to fit in, to be accepted, liked and loved.
When I was at my lowest of lows during my deep struggle with loving my body, I seriously didn’t feel like anyone could love me because of the way I looked. How sad! But that’s where I was. I compared myself to others and really felt that there was no way anyone would accept me. Here I was perceiving myself as fat and ugly and worthless, convinced that that is how the world saw me as well.
What a deep dark place to be in. How had I let myself get to that point? Why was I allowing this to happen to me? I was allowing the importance of what people thought of me overpower the importance of what God thought of me. God’s love, even in my darkest hours, never wavered.
We think we can find comfort in what we wear, what we do and what other people think of us. But do we really find comfort in these things? No, all we find is empty promises. Our only comfort can be found in the Cross. Our identity is in nothing else, but Him. We are a new creation in Him. There is no better way to end this series, but with this quote:
I hope that you have begun to see the ultimate worth and supreme value that are your identity in Christ Jesus. He has made you into a new creation, he has done away with all your wrongdoing, there isn’t a single thing standing between you and God- no blemish, no guilt, no accusations, nothing. You are holy in Jesus, you are clothed with Christ, you are sheltered in grace, and this grace will never fail, never give up and never leave you for something better. This is you. Loved, forgiven and cherished.
I hope you enjoyed this series: Exploring Identity! If you missed any of the others posts, here they are!
Day 1- Known
Day 2- What is Identity?
Day 3- You are God’s Masterpiece
Day 4- Are you hiding?
Day 5- God doesn’t make Mistakes
Day 6- Mankind makes a Mess
Day 7- Turning Heads
Day 8- Getting the Idea?
Day 9- What Jesus Knew
Day 10- Beauty
Day 11- Relationships
Day 12- Maid, Mother or Moneymaker?
Day 13- Anxiety Girl! DUH DUH DUH!
Day 14- Who’s in Control?
Day 15- The Comparison Game
Day 16- Becoming Who you Are
Day 17: The Tricky Bit
What a great post; thank you for sharing! I’m hopping over from the SITS ShareFest link up!
Mary Leigh recently posted…Five on Friday
Thank you! And thanks for visiting!
Great post. I look forward to reading more! Such an important topic for females!!!
Renee recently posted…Pictures of Jesus in Genesis Page 6
It really is!!