Day 9 What Jesus Knew
Jesus says: “Thirst for me. I am the one who offers you true life. Don’t give your heart away to things that are temporary. I will give you eternity.”
What do you find your identity in? We have been talking about it for a couple weeks now. Is it your personal style? Your money? Your waistline? Your relationships? Your social status? Whatever it is, does it leave you thirsting for more?
Your answer is probably yes. And that is because there is only One who can quench that thirst.
Today’s devotional had me looking at 4 different stories in the 4 gospels and there is one in particular that spoke to my heart in a big way.
As Jesus and his disciples were on their way, he came to a village where a woman named Martha opened her home to him. She had a sister called Mary, who sat at the Lord’s feet, listening to what he said. But Martha was distracted by all the preparations that had to be made. She came to him and asked, “Lord, don’t you care that my sister has left me to do the work by myself? Tell her to help me!” “Martha, Martha,” the Lord answered, “you are worried and upset about many things, but only one thing is needed. Mary has chosen what is better and it will not be taken away from her.”
Luke 10: 38-42
Are you a Martha or a Mary? I want to say I am a Mary. I really do, but I would be lying. I so closely relate to Martha. Martha was so concerned about her to do list that she failed to listen to Jesus. She was too worried about having a perfect house presentation for him that she failed to just be with Him. Her identity seems to be found in how productive she is as well as her home’s appearance. Oh Martha! I get it! I don’t know what I would do without my organizer and my to-do lists! I am lost without it! I would go crazy!
In truth, I am lost without my Savior. I am lost without Him and His Word. Mary gets this. That is why she clings to Him and listens. She is not worried or upset because she knows that He has her back. Mary’s got her priorities straight. I really want to be a Mary!
Jesus asks that we put our faith in Him and that we depend on Him in all things, both big and small. He wants us to place our trust in Him and find our identity in Him, just like Mary.
Are you a Martha or a Mary? Share in the comments!
This is a blog series: Exploring Identity! If you’ve missed any of the others posts, here they are!
Day 1- Known
Day 2- What is Identity?
Day 3- You are God’s Masterpiece
Day 4- Are you hiding?
Day 5- God doesn’t make Mistakes
Day 6- Mankind makes a Mess
Day 7- Turning Heads
Day 8- Getting the Idea?
I am like you. I love being prepared and things being planned, etc, but I WANT to be a Mary! I am actually in the process of writing my first ebook which stemmed from this very verse having to do with hosting and how we can effectively be a Martha ahead of time (plan, shop, clean, cook, etc.) so we can be a Mary when our guests are over (not worrying about anything except being with them). Because it’s not that what Martha was doing was “bad” (you have to prepare dinner if you invite dinner guess over), it’s just that Mary was doing the better thing at the appropriate time. I don’t think lists and organizers, etc. are bad, but they have a time and place, and obviously, being in our Savior’s presence, spending quality time with Him, etc. FAR outweigh having everything “together”. God has to be the priority! I want to be a Mary, but an orderly, planned Mary 😉 One who takes care of “business” during the appropriate times so I can fully be with Jesus, my guests, other people, etc. when those times are in front of me. Does that make sense?
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Oh girl, thank you for sharing that! You are sooooooo right. I cannot wait for your ebook!