If you haven’t read The Mother of All Meltdowns yet, you must!! As you know, I am a contributing author which results in a very giddy and excited girl here.
I love the ladies in this book. I have gotten to know all of them as we have gone through the writing process, the release, and now the promotion of the book. it has been an amazing experience and I am loving every second of it! Check out this little quote from the book (it’s one of my fave’s):
Not only should you get the book, but you should also be following The Mother of All Meltdowns on:
Are you following The Mother of All Meltdown’s Blog ? You should be. (Are you getting the hint here!?) Check out this little excerpt…
There I was trekking (more like dragging) along in my very uncomfortable pregnant state with the extra 30 pounds that baby decided to add to my body. And then came the threatened pre-term labor. And then the pre-eclampsia and an additional 20 pounds of massive water weight. And the next thing I knew, I had to be induced (nooo!), stuck in a bed with monitors attached to every part of my body (I wanted to labor in a Jacuzzi, dang it!), unable to get out of bed (please let me out of this prison), starving for 3 days (seriously, no one can survive on ice chips).
Yes, that is your’s truly. Want to hear the rest of the story of my epic 2 year meltdown? Of course you do!!! Head over to the book’s blog and read The Perfection Infection! And when you are done with that, check out the other stories on the blog from our awesome contributing authors!
Now if you will excuse me, I have to go have a meltdown because Halloween is in 2 days and I don’t have a costume for my 2 year old yet…
I agree that it’s been so wonderful getting to know everybody in the book! And I love Lisa’s quote, too!
Kristi Campbell recently posted…I wish that I were a more perfect mom
It has been incredible!
Tank you so much for the feedback on my review of the book. It was so fun to read it:)
Jeanette recently posted…Book Review – The mother of all meltdowns
Of course!! Thank you for reviewing it!! It was fun to write it!! So glad you enjoyed it!
🙂 Thanks for sharing that quote! So happy to be part of it and to have met all of the other contributing authors, too!
Lisa @ The Golden Spoons recently posted…Great Lengths
Yes! I looooove that quote!!!! This has been an awesome experience!!