I am back!!! I am so thankful for the women who filled in for me while I have been moving and settling into our new life in the mountains. I really hope you enjoyed the guest post series! I have many things to share with you over the next few months. Today, I am returning back to the “Me, Myself and Lies” series and I pray that it blesses you!
You know what often fills my thought closet? Worry. I get stuck on something that hasn’t even happened yet.
You know what the root of the problem is? I forget God’s in control.
[Tweet “When we worry, we choke out the life-giving truth that should be filling our thought closets. –@jennrothschild”]
When you worry, you invite fear into your life. This fear can consume you. Do you ever catch yourself asking “What if?” What ifs lead to a mind that is focused on earthly things. Jesus tells us to focus on the what is. The what is is God’s truths: God has a plan; God will provide.
Worry filled meditation never leads to liberty. It turns your thought closet into a prison filled with life-choking weeds. –Jennifer Rothschild
When you meditate on the what is, you meditate on things that are true, noble, right, pure, lovely and praise worthy. How many thoughts in your closet reflect those truths?
Oh that quote tugs at my heart. When I think about God listening to the words I use to talk to myself, I feel a sadness creep over me. I know I wouldn’t want to hear my own children saying those things to themselves. How much does it hurt our God when we discredit His creation?
I challenge you to speak to yourself as though God is standing beside you.
What your soul focuses on, what you set your mind on, is what will form the bulk of your meditation. –Jennifer Rothschild
When you begin to dwell on the what ifs, shift your focus to the what is. Turn your worry into prayer. Give your anxious thoughts over to Him.
Dear Lord,
Please help me to focus on what is. The what ifs that fill my mind right now are _____. I ask that you will help me to give those worries and fears over to you. Fill my mind with your truths. I want to focus on you. I know you will provide for my needs and that you have a plan for me. Please give me comfort and peace and fill my thought closet with your holy presence.
Such a beautiful post – had me in tears. I often worry too much and forget that God is in control, Thanks for helping me to think about the “What is”.
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