Gluttony. Oh, what a lovely word. Not.
Gluttony defined is: a greedy or excessive indulgence. Most often, in the world of weight loss, this excessive indulgence is in food. I have never had a problem with extreme gluttony in regards to food. Ok, maybe I do when it comes to sprinkles and ice cream… Ahem.
I’m not saying that eating is a sinful desire. What I am saying is, if you have a script such as “I’m fat, I’m ugly, and I’m not capable of getting it together” playing in your mind, then something is waging war against your soul. -Lysa Terkeurst
Now that, my friends, is something I have had a problem with. And it did consume me. I over indulged in stinkin’ thinkin’. In a big way. So much so that it began to slowly deteriorate my soul, my relationships with loved ones and my relationship with God. Peter 2:11 tell us, ” Dear friends, I urge you, as aliens and strangers in the world, to abstain from sinful desires, which wage war against your soul.” Anything that wages war in your soul is therefore a sinful desire. Not that I desired to over indulge in stinkin’ thinkin’ but it did consume me, and it was a major battle to overcome it.
God made us to consume food, but food was never supposed to consume us. And if food starts consuming us to the point where we cannot feel empowered, then that is a problem. –Lysa
For those that do struggle with emotional eating or over indulgence of food, Lysa reminds us that food is a gift from God, but it is He who should ultimately consume us. He created in us a desire to be filled, but what is it that we choose to fill ourselves with? Yes, we need to eat. And it’s okay to enjoy it.
But it’s our spiritual nourishment that really matters.
As the deer pants for the streams of water, so my soul thirsts for you, O God. My soul thirsts for God, for the living God. When can I go and meet with God?
Great post. Thanks for sharing your wisdom on this topic. I run across so many people that deal with this issue on a daily basis. I also had my own struggles but have healed myself through God’s word. 🙂
It’s sad how many people (myself included) beat themselves up with stinkin’ thinkin’, but God really can heal us, even when we feel so so lost. Thanks for stopping by! 🙂