Epic Fail #5- Not realizing that maybe we weren’t quite ready for the big kid slide. We were at the park playing and seeing as he mastered sitting quite some time ago and is walking pretty well, we thought he could certainly sit upright while sliding down the big kid slide. Well, go figure, as soon as Daddy took his hand off E’s back, he went straight to his back and then managed to turn so that by the time he got down to me, he bonked his forehead off the edge of the slide. And then the tears flowed. Ok, so we weren’tquite ready for the big kid slide.
Epic Fail #4- Tripped my kid. It was an accident!! He tripped over my feet and face planted into the door. He screamed bloody murder as a giant knot formed on his sweet foreheard. I cried too. I felt so bad! I know its only the first of many bumps/bruises/wounds he will get, but still, I balled right along with him.
Epic Fail #3- Let him eat straw. E was 9 months old for his first Halloween. This is at Rombach’s Puh-kin Patch in St Louis. I didn’t stop him from putting straw in his mouth because his yuck face was absolutely adorable and I wanted a picture of it. Then he gagged on the straw. So maybe I should have taken the straw away from him sooner and worried less about capturing the “yuck face…”
Epic Fail #2- Not buckling him in for a 30 second drive. Ok, so this a two-for-one deal. We were in St Louis visiting family and I was shopping in this little shopping mall. I didn’t want to carry 9 month old E to the next shop (I didn’t have the stroller with me- oh, that’s another fail!) so I thought I would just drive the 30 seconds down the parking lot to the next store. I placed E in his carseat and thought he would be fine for those 30 seconds without being fully strapped in the seat. When I parked, and went to get him out of his seat, this is what I saw. Oops.
And our #1 parent fail- lack of bottle knowledge I breastfed until E was 5 months and I wish I could have gone longer, but my body just couldn’t keep up. So around 5 months, E became a formula baby. I didn’t have much experience with bottles, but I really liked the Tommee Tippee bottles because in the first few weeks after E was born, I had to supplement with formula until my body finally started producing milk. The Tommee Tippee bottles are wonderful for breastfed babies because the nipples resemble a moms breast. E had no problem going back and forth. Well, when E was about 8 months old, I noticed that he was taking FOREVER to finish his bottle and we would joke that he was “savoring” his milk. My friend Emilee was watching E for us one night while Dr. Hubby and I went out on a date. When I picked him up, she told me that she noticed he took forever on his bottle and that there was a number 1 on the nipple. She asked if I had moved to the next stage nipple yet.
Wait. What? There are stages for bottle nipples? Uhhh. 😐 He was on stage 1 and should have been on stage 3 at this point. I had no idea! (although that makes perfect sense!) As soon as we switched the nipple size, he gulped that milk like there was no tomorrow and there was no more “savoring.” Dr. Hubby and I could not believe we hadn’t thought of that. I am proud to say E is now on sippy cups and only because I had to cold turkey him. I tried to make it a gradual change, but he was a fighter! Sadly, he only got to properly enjoy his baba’s for a short time. Epic. Parent. Fail.
So there are my epic parent fail moments. Hope you laughed at my expense and that perhaps you now know you aren’t alone. This is only 5 epic parent fail moments, and there have been many. Like how about the first time we took E out of the house and totally forgot the diaper bag. Or just a few weeks ago, when we went to a taste testing event and forgot E’s bib. Or taking him to Mothers Day Out and forgetting his bottle. Or leaving my keys in the diaper bag that my husband left at Mothers Day Out and having to bike to church to retrieve said keys so that I had a car with a carseat in it to take him home in….
I’m not a perfect parent, but I do what I can to be a good mommy.
Maybe I will actually get something right with my next child… it’s doubtful… 😉
We have all been there! I did the same thing with the bottles…haha! Thanks for linking up! 🙂
I'm so glad I am not the only one to have done that! I feel so much better now!