“No temptation has seized you except what is common to man. And God is faithful; he will not let you be tempted beyond what you can bear. But when you are tempted, he will also provide a way out so that you can stand up under it.” (1 Corinthians 10:13)
What tempts you? Chocolate? The 7 million calorie coffee drink? The tub of Moose track ice cream in the freezer? Guilty to all of the above. While I have never been an emotional eater, I have had (and still do sometimes) have cravings for things that aren’t exactly on the “healthy” menu. I do not believe in total deprivation of any certain thing because I think that tempts us to crave it so bad that we end up going back to it anyway. So I do occasionally indulge in a piece of chocolate, or a bad-for-you coffee drink, or ice cream. But I am no longer threatened by it. I don’t need a giant piece of chocolate, an extra large coffee, or a huge bowl of ice cream. A small serving is all I need to satisfy. I think God knew that I couldn’t completely give up all those things, so He has helped me to be satisfied with a small amount.
I have, however, given up fast foods, such as McDonalds, Burger King, Wendys- fast food joints of that nature. I gave those up because as I started to eat cleaner, those places made my stomach hurt. And now, nearly 1 year later, I still haven’t eaten fast food. I don’t crave it anymore, and I don’t miss it.
“Desperation breeds defeat.” That is one of my favorite quotes from today’s devotional. Last year, I was the girl that was so desperate to find the “perfect body” that I ended up living in a constant feeling of defeat. But God pulled me out, ever so slowly. He provided a way out through this blog. He provided a way out by giving me a place to write about those feelings and experiences with that desperation. And a year later, I feel like a new person. He has helped me stand up and get out. I still have hard days. I still sometimes feel defeated, but I can get out from under it quickly, rather than dwelling there for what seems like forever.
When people ask me “what keeps you motivated?”
I simply reply, “I never want to go back to that constant feeling of emptiness and defeat. It was such a terrible place to be. I was miserable. I never want to go back there.”
Desperation certainly does breed defeat. But if you lean on Him to get you out of that awful place, He will provide a way out. He will deliver you!!
I so agree girl! I'm tired of that complacent numb life. What a beautiful reminder you have here. Thanks! Blessings.
Thank you and thanks for stopping by!
The realization that you no longer want to feel a certain way is a great motivation to keep it forward. I do believe that humans are capable of doing anything we set our mind to – but we have to realize that discipline comes with that mindset. What a relief it must be to have found a place where you can balance your desires 🙂
Exactly! Perfectly worded! Discipline most certainly comes with the mindset!