Welcome to my newly renovated blog! Phase 2 of blog makeover is complete and I have Kimberly at Kimberly Muro Designs to thank for that. If you are looking for an affordable new look for your blog, check out her site! She is great to work with and I really enjoyed my entire blog design process! Phase 3 of blog makover begins next week where I will begin working on my sidebars and the navigation bar and creating some really awesome stuff for yall (recipes, printables, DIY projects etc). It’s gonna take alot of work getting it all organized but its gonna be awesome 😉
In other news, I finally went running again. After a 2 month break… Ahhh! It felt good!!! My last run was on Thanksgiving (eeeek!) Yes I took quite a break from running. But today I ran a 5k in 34 minutes comfortably…so I still got it!!! In honor of my running sabbatical coming to an end, I am FINALLY going to post my recap of my first ever half marathon…that happened in November… Better late then never 😉
We arrived at the race at 7pm and it didn’t start til 10 pm! Yes, it was a night run and it was amazing! (so was the carb loading all day!) We weren’t sure what we would do for 3 hours, but you will find at a Disney race, there is SOOO much to do. There was music, dancing, hanging out, waiting in long lines for the potty, sitting around snacking, getting pictures with Disney characters… It actually went really fast and before we knew it, it was time for our corral to take off.
The race was AMAZING. Fireworks shot out from the start line as each corral departed. Disney characters along the route. Live bands. Running through the parks at night when they are all lit up. Soooooo cool!! Here is our route(via my garmin) that we took through Animal Kingdom, Hollywood Studios and Epcot (again, I cannot emphasize how amazing it was!)
PS: There were hills. Auuuugh…
And here is a little taste of the actual run. Yes, we were running so the camera is shaky. Yes, we are whooping and squealing, and yes, we were singing while we ran. Cuz we are cool like that.
I am really pleased with our timing, especially for it being my very first half! I think we made amazing time given the massive mega blister I acquired in the last 4 miles of our run. I limped my way out of Epcot, but I RAN to that finish line!
Our last 3 miles were especially fun because we would take turns picking out people ahead of us to catch up to. Once we caught up to them, we picked someone else. It sure made us run fast!
But nothing can beat crossing that finish line. I cried. Taryn cried. There were lots of happy tears!! I couldn’t believe I had done it. I ran 13.1 miles. I ran 13.1 miles without stopping! Can I get a whoop whoop!!??
I remember our first conversation about doing a 1/2 marathon. We were actually suppose to be planning our Color Run trip to Kansas City, but the conversation moved from the 5k to 13.1 miles…
Taryn: Let’s do the Disney Wine and Dine!
Stephanie: That’s 13 miles!!! I can’t even comfortably run a 5k yet!!!
Taryn: You can do it! Let’s do it! I’ll run right beside you the entire time! We can do this!
Stephanie: I’ll think about it… *calls Taryn back a couple days later*
Stephanie: Let’s do it. I can’t believe I’m doing it. Let’s sign up, quick. Before I change my mind!
Taryn: You’re gonna do awesome. We are so in this together!!!
And for the next 6 months, I trained. I texted Taryn with the details of my runs. I called her when I needed to share the excitement of a successful long run, and I called her when I felt totally defeated. The entire time she encouraged me. Always telling me I could do it.
And that encouragement was there the entire time we ran beside each other during those 13.1 miles. She never left my side. I love that girl! It’s because of her that I am now signed up for another Color Run, a 10k race in my hometown and the St. Louis Rock N Roll 1/2 Marathon. It is because of her that I actually love running. It is because of the encouragement of my sweet friend Taryn that I was able to run 13.1 miles without stopping!
So thank you Taryn for inspiring me, for encouraging me, and for being an all out amazing friend! I love you!!!
Have you ever run in a 1/2 marathon? Or a Disney run? Do you have a sweet friend like Taryn that encouraged you to believe in yourself and helped you accomplish something you never believed you could do? Share in the comments!!
PS: If you are stopping by via the CafeBlogelina commentathon, YAY!! Welcome to my little piece of bloggyland!
I have walked 1/2 marathon before. YOu girl’s are such inspirations to us old folks…I just want to take my grand kids to Disney World…You girls keep up the running!!
Way to go! You still did a 1/2!!! Disney is pretty amazing, no matter whether you are there to run or there to play! I love all things Disney!
I ran my first (and currently only) half marathon in Alaska. I loved every second of it (even the pains after the run) and I am actually debating on my next half. I have always thought about the Disney one and I think you are motivating me to do one of them. It looks like you had so much fun and it’s a big accomplishment and what a great feeling! Good for you!!
I would LOVE to visit Alaska! How amazing! I strongly encourage you to do a Disney run. I know you will love it!!
Great accomplishment! I too love running but it has only recently come back into my life. This looks so much fun!
It is so much fun, isn’t it? You must do a disney run if you can get to one! It’s an amazing experience 🙂
I don’t run, but I almost feel like I did reading your post 🙂 It looks like a terrific experience and having a friend to share it with makes it that much better. I want to go back to exercising but haven’t found the time after baby #2. Your post is definitely motivating.
Exercising with babies is a task in and of itself, but it can be done! Walking was one of the best things I did after I first had my little boy. It was great for both of us. And we went on long walks, like 4 and 5 miles. It was so much fun!
What a fun run…to be cheered on by Disney characters. 🙂
Your blog header is very cute!
Thank you so much! And yes, there is nothing better on a run then being cheered on by Mickey and Minne 😉
I feel bad, I don’t run, but I do love Disney, we are in California and some friends just did a disney one here last week.
I bet it was fun except for the blister.
Ya the blister was not cool, but it was worth it 😉
Wow! What a cool race to run…and at night too! If I ever managed to tackle a big run like that (yes, that’s a HUGE run for me!), it would have to be at Disney. Love that place. Congratulations and thanks for being so inspiring!
Thank you so much and thanks for stopping by!
Ummmmmm… no. Never run in a 1/2 marathon…. I don’t think I’ve ever run more than the mile that was required in high school gym class! I’ve always felt like I’m a hiorrible runner… even my husband says I am, and he used to do 5 min. miles. I have done several charity walks though & thouroughly enjoyed them! Congrats… I am quite envious of your accomplishment!
Charity walks are just as awesome! You are still out there and moving! Way to go!
I would love to do a run like that! I have done alot of 5ks but would like to do more. Good luck on the blog updates I look forward to keeping up with you and seeing how its coming along! 🙂
5ks are so fun! It’s pretty much my standard run when I go out for a jog now. Training for something longer is time consuming but so worth it (think long runs on Saturday mornings!) Oh the feeling of accomplishing those long runs is sooooo good! Thanks for stopping by!
You are amazing! I need someone to motivate me to run again. I’ve never done a 1/2, but maybe one day. 5k’s have been my limit.
Hey girl you are out there running 5ks and that is awesome!!! Keep at it!
Wow that looks like so much fun!! Congrats on all your hard work training and completing the race! I ran my first 5k last summer. I want to start running again this spring, I stopped when it got cold out! I will absolutely keep this race in mind… sounds like great motivation for my first half. Plus my sis in law lives 30 minutes away from Disney World, so it’s definitely a possibility for me to run in. 😀
Thank you!!! Wasn’t your first 5k soo much fun?! The thrill of running with a ton of people is just a really fun feeling! And YES YES YES, if you have somewhere to stay near Disney, then you must must must do a Disney run!!
congrats that is awesome sauce I would love to be able to do that… hrmm… spring is coming and these cold wet nights make for great running maybe I will train for one lol.
Thank you!! You should totally train for an official race! It is so much fun!!
Absolutely love Disney– I am a fanatic! However after having foot/calf/achilles tendon surgery this summer I don’t think any running is in my future. Maybe eventually some day way out….after I can start walking without limping! But if I do ever start running I think I might just have to make sure a Disney run gets on my bucket list– how fun!
Oh I hope you continue to heal well and can scratch off a Disney run from your bucket list someday!!
What fun! I’ve fun a mini before (well run/walked it), but the Disney one would be awesome! I bet that was so cool to run through the parks – we hit Disney every summer so I know it well, but that would have been a whole different perspective!
Yay! Good for you! Disney is awesome! I hope you get the chance to run through the parks in one of their events someday! It is soooo amazing!
Wow. how fun! I’m hoping to run a 5K this year. 🙂
Yes!!! It is soooo much fun! And signing up for one is great accountability!
Wow, that’s quite a run. I wish I could run like that again, but I doubt I’ll ever be able to run again. 🙁
Nice layout on the blog. I just got mine transferred over and redone as well. I’m still trying to get it laid out the way I want as well. There is so much to getting a blog exactly right that many people don’t even know about. 😉
I’m glad I joined the CafeBlogelina commentathon to meet you. 🙂
Thank you!!!! And yes, it takes a long time to get everything just the way we want it. Blogs are alot of work!!!!!
I’ve never considered running in a marathon really. I would need alot of training, lol. Right now I’m try to get myself in gear to start walking at our local track in town. With the weather being so cold lately I’ve found myself putting it off. Do you have any tips for someone on how to start training with runs? Should you time it, start with a mile and move up?
If you are new to running, I highly recommend the Couch to 5k app. I was not a runner at all and I started with that. It’s a great app that does a mix of running and walking. 🙂
Congratulations! Kudos to you. I love everything Disney, but I didn’t know they had marathons. If you’re going to run a marathon, do it in the Happiest Place on Earth! Congrats on your time too. Well done.
I love everything Disney too! And a Disney run is pretty much the best running experience ever!!!