Time for a Spring Chick Challenge update and a chapter of Body Clutter (finally, geez!)
Spring Chick Challenge Week 3 Results
- Actually track 64 oz of daily h20- SEMI SUCCESS. I have a water bottle that I have to fill up 3 times a day to get in my total h20. I didn’t write it down, but I know I got close because I filled my bottle up 2-3 times a day each day!
- Log at least 12 workouts, add in some extra to make up for lost workouts last week. Ultimate goal is 18 workouts. That’s a huge number! (Remember, a workout is a session of physical activity- A turbofire workout, a jog, a chalean extreme, zumba etc) SUCCESS! I did 15 workouts and burned a total of 2370 calories!!
- Continue to track on myfitnesspal – YES!
- Drink Shakeology 5 times this week – YES!
- Blog 1-2 chapters of Body clutter … for real! Seriously, I’m doing it now. After my results and goals !
- Blog about the weekly Proverbs 31 Challenge. I got sidetracked with redesigning the entire blog, but I will be posting this in the next few days!
- Track 64 oz H20
- Log at least 18 workouts again!
- Continue to track on myfitnesspal
- Drink Shakeology 5 times this week
- Blog 1 chapter of Body Clutter
- Blog about Proverbs 31
- Introduce New Series! (I bet you can’t wait, right?) 🙂
- Post Weekly Weigh In on Friday (I moved my weigh in day to Friday!)
We talk to ourselves and pull ourselves down before we even get started! This is how we create a very personal pattern…Too overwhelming, too much work, we start to whine, we start to look for excuses, and we rationalize why we’re there in the first place. I wasn’t looking at the right stuff- I was looking at the finished project, and not embracing the process. -Leanne
Been there, done that. Made excuses. Wanted to lose the weight not now, right now. Wanted the finished project and didn’t want to go through the process. But once I made the choice to take those babysteps, all these excuses slowly dwindled away as the lifestyle became just a tad bit easier. It’s still not always easy, but learning to embrace the process has definitely made a huge difference in my attitude!
The feeling was one of amazing empowerment- I felt strong and in control of my own body. -Leanne
Amen to that. There is alot of empowerment in making the choice to embrace the process!
And let me leave you with my favorite quote from these 2 chapters…
It doesn’t end with a goal weight; it’s a lifestyle change that completely re-energizes your life and changes the way you think. -Leanne
Can I get an AMEN???!!! 😉
oh, and I added you all to the blog roll! 🙂
Thanks ladies!!! Thanks for making the move over here with me!!
Good job overall!!
AMEN SISTER! And I LOVE the blog redesign! It looks amazing!!
Good job this week! 🙂