I totally stole this idea from Fat Chick Fed up! What a great idea to let my readers know a little bit more about the girl behind the blog J
100 things about me:
1. I am 26 and look forward to my 30s, 40s, 50s…and so on. While everyone else shudders at the thought of getting older, I love it because life just seems to get more fun as time goes by. (ie: getting married, having a baby!) I look forward to what’s in the future!
2. I was married on June 9, 2007. Happily married to my best friend J
3. I am a new mom. My son was born Jan 6, 2011 and his name is Elijah James which means “My God is Lord” and he is perfect. We decided on this name when we had an ultra sound and his hands were clasped together as if he was praying 🙂
4. . His nickname is “dood” because that’s what we called him in utero. Our family likes to make up words and “dood” is another word for something that is “unknown.” So when we didn’t know whether baby was a boy or girl, we referred to our little one as dood. And it just stuck!
5. .I am a registered nurse with my bachelors of science in nursing.
6. I currently work in the nursery but my passion is hospice and oncology and I plan to work in those areas in the near future. I feel like that is where God wants me.
7. . I graduated in Dec of 2009 with honors at West Texas A&M University.
8. I am a member of Sigma Theta Tau Nursing Honor Society.
9. I plan to attend graduate school in the next few years.
10. My husband is currently in his last semester of graduate school, getting his phd in mechanical engineering with an emphasis on combustion. (hes a brainiac)
11. . He is at Texas Tech for his PhD but he will forever be an Aggie. He got his undergrad and masters from Texas A&M. I love being married to an Aggie. You don’t know school pride unless you know an Aggie!
12. His dissertation is happening in October and I am excited about it!
13. We are praying that he finds a career near St Louis so we can move closer to my family.
14. I want to live out in the country parts of Missouri (where there are trees!)
15. There are minimal trees in West Texas where I currently live.
16. I miss green vegetation!
17. We are in a horrible drought and I miss the smell of rain.
18. My dream is to have a “hobby farm.”
19. . I want to own chickens and collect my own eggs.
20. I want a garden, horses, a donkey and what I like to call a “hair-do pony” aka Shetland pony.
21. I want my children to grow up in a country setting. I really don’t want to live in the suburbs.
22. . I am a country girl at heart.
23. . I love crafts. I scrapbook, make jewelry, make home décor, paint, find random junk and turn it into treasures.
24. Because of my obsession with crafts, I can literally spend hours in Hobby Lobby.
25. . I love pictures. On my personal fb account, I have 167 photo albums and 2 more currently in the making with MANY more to come! I link my albums to my personal family blog for my family and friends to see.
26. . Because of my obsession with pictures, I have a new SLR camera that I am going to learn to use.
27. I love winter.
28. Because of my obsession with winter, I am obsessed with snowmen. When winter comes, my house is completely decorated with snowmen…all.over.the.place. !!!!!!!! It is the one thing that I collect, but my snowman standards are very high.
29. I love Christ! He is my first “obsession!”
30. This is my favorite set of verses… “But when the kindness and love of God our Savior appeared, He saved us, not because of the righteous things we had done, but because of his mercy. He saved us thru the washing of rebirth and renewal by the Holy Spirit, whom he poured out on us generously thru Jesus Christ our Savior. So that having been justified by his grace, we might become heirs having the hope of eternal life. -Titus 3:4-7
31. I am currently trying to read the entire bible in 1 year.
32. My husband and I sing with the worship choir at First Baptist Church
33. My baby has been attending church (well, the nursery) since he was 6 weeks old and usually 2 times a week (1-during church and 2- during choir rehearsals on Wednesday nights!) He has no problem with strangers! (yet! Hope it stays that way!)
34. Speaking of the baby, I am a strong advocate of breastfeeding.
35. I was only able to breastfeed til he was 5 months. I cannot count the number of times I called the lactation consultant as we tried to make my supply go up. We did everything in the book to increase the supply. My body just couldn’t keep up.
36. I tried fenugreek and eventually reglan (which avoid at all cost! It causes postpartum depression) and that’s no fun!
37. I really miss breastfeeding L But at least I got 5 months of it!
38. I was induced because I was pre-eclamptic
39. I was in labor for 24 hours with 2 failed epidurals.
40. Nothing on my birth plan happened.
41. I wanted to walk but had to have continuous monitoring due to my pre eclampsia.
42. I didn’t want an epidural til I was dilated to a 7 or so. But got stuck at a 4 (for 18 hours!) and I was encouraged to do an epidural to see if that would help me dilate. No such luck. It didn’t dilate me nor did it relieve the pain.
43. I had to have a c-section and for some reason, that makes me sad.
44. I really pray that God blesses me with a VBAC for my next baby. I just want that experience, even if it means completely natural childbirth.
45. I have learned: do not make a birth plan. Nothing on your birth plan will happen!
46. I want 4 children. My husband wants 2.
47. We have compromised on 3.
48. I love mountain biking. I mountain biked all the time when I lived in Missouri.
49. I am from a suburb outside St Louis, Missouri.
50. But I currently live in West Texas because of my husbands and my schooling.
51. I love horseback riding.
52. I love anything outdoors.
53. I hunt. Yes, I will kill bambi for dinner.
54. But I won’t shoot unless I can eat it. Each year we go dove and deer hunting.
55. Because we hunt, I never have to buy meat.
56. I am a member of Mission to the World and have trained for Disaster Response. I am certified to go overseas and serve on medical missions in times of devastation.
57. I am currently in the process of joining Mission to North America, where I can serve when disasters happen in our own country.
58. I am a child advocate for Compassion International.
59. I am a member of the 501st Legion, a Star Wars costuming group whose sole purpose is to raise money for charity and bring smiles to the faces of Star Wars fans.
60. I am a nerd and proud of it.
61. I love to read. I am usually reading several books at the same time. I just have always read at least 3 books at the same time. I usually have a fiction book, a Christian book and some kind of self-help book that I read all at the same time.
62. Harry Potter is my favorite series that I could just read over and over and over again.
63. I also love the Harry Potter movies, but the books are 10 million times better (and the movies are amazing!)
64. Because I love to read, I am subscribed to several magazines. I have a 3 ring binder with organized tabs in which I put cut outs from magazine pages of different ideas that I want to put in my dream home (for example, the way a room is decorated, the color scheme, a way to organize something, etc) I plan to refer to it when I have my dream home!
65. I love country music and Josh Turner has the sexiest voice ever known to mankind.
66. I love Christian music and Mercyme is the most amazing band to ever exist.
67. MercyMe concerts aren’t really concerts. They are a time of worship. If you have been to a Mercyme concert, you know what I am talking about.
68. I also love Casting Crowns, Third Day, and Jars of Clay.
69. I have been known to jam to pop and alternative and 80s music as well.
70. Music is so important in my life.
71. I love to travel.
72. As a graduation gift after nursing school, my husband and I went to Europe for 3 weeks and it was the most amazing experience.
73. Having a baby has not slowed us down from traveling! He goes with us!
74. We are able to travel often because we are debt-free and that is so incredible!
75. I am borderline OCD organized.
76. I sometimes think I should have been a professional organizer because organizing makes me happy.
77. I love to-do list. I will write something that I already did on my to-do list just so I can mark it off!
78. When I was in nursing school, I had such a massive workload that I had to come up with a way of getting it all done in a timely fashion.
79. The concept of “chunking” was born and my mother, grandmother and I are avid “chunkers”
80. What the heck is chunking? It is looking at your to-do list and prioritizing in such a way that when you have several large projects happening at once, you do a small chunk of each project at a time. And by doing this, you can work on those several projects and make progress on all of them at the same time
81. I love “chunking” 😉
82. However, I do not love being “chunky” which is why I am on this fitness journey.
83. I am not athletic, but I try to be.
84. I am probably one of the most uncoordinated people you may ever meet. There is no hope for me ever to be a dancer (which is a shame, cuz I REALLY wish I could dance!)
85. You should see me do zumba…its hilarious.
86. Since I can’t dance, I am thankful that I can sing decently. I am no Mariah Carey, Beyonce or Carrie Underwood, but I sing in choir (and have so since high school). I am an alto.
87. I LOVE LOVE LOVE musical theater. Last summer, I saw Wicked and Phantom on Broadway. If I lived in New York, I would see a show every weekend (and consequently be broke!)
88. I have a bucket list and learning to play piano is on it.
89. Mountain biking in the Rockies, taking a cruise anywhere, owning 3 horses, shooting a 10 point deer, and having my own craft booth at a craft show are all also on that bucket list.
90. I have actually achieved some things on my bucket list already.
91. Some of those things include: traveling to Europe, marrying a Godly man, graduating nursing school and passing boards to get my license, join Mission to the World, and see a live broadway show.
92. Some of those bucket list items are in progress: reading the entire bible in 1 year, raising children (well, 1 right now, but in the future, plural-CHILDREN!)
93. I had braces as an adult. I had them for 2 years. I now have straight, pretty teeth. Getting straight teeth was on my bucket list. Sad, I know!
94. I have a new obsession with Pandora Internet Radio.
95. My favorite stations I have created so far: Mercyme Radio, Third day radio and Glee Cast radio!
96. I listen to Pandora when I blog. I am listening to it right now. Glee Cast radio is playing “I’m yours” by Jason Mraz. I love this song!
97. I find writing therapeutic and love blogging.
98. I just have to go back to the topic of being a mom. It’s the most amazing, wonderful, most precious gift.
99. I am passionate about being a mother!
100. It is 430 am and I have been awake since 8 am yesterday. I have to work this weekend on the night shift so I have been doing anything (including this blogpost) to keep myself awake for most of the night so I can sleep tomarrow (which I guess is actually today!) during the day to prepare for my night shift. I don’t think I can make it any longer. My eyeballs are literally falling out of my head. Thanks for taking the time to get to know me! I’m off to bed!
You are SO cute and we have SO much in common.
We, too, are debt-free (except for our home).
I too had a disappointing c-section. Four of them actually. With the last one I planned a home birth and he ended up being breech. For me, the only way I would ever get that birth plan was with a home birth. But I did find my birth plan helpful in my c-section as I got to do a lot of non-traditional things because of it. Never hurts to ask.
5 months is great for breastfeeding! You should be proud of that.
I would also love to live in the country, Not sure about the horses as I am deathly afraid of them, but I would love to raise cows, chickens, goats and pigs. It will probably never happen but I fantasize about a simpler life all the time.
I am totally making a bucket list after reading your post. Maybe that will be my next blog 😉
I think it is so cool that you want to do hospice/oncology. That is such a hard field. My mom does in-home hospice and truly believes it is her ministry. I know the nurses and aides who cared for my grandfather when he was dying are true angels. Amazing!
I am also a singer! And I love all of those bands and 80s music too 🙂
Thanks for sharing!