A couple years ago, I conquered the perfection infection (mostly), but can I admit something? Sometimes it tries to wiggle itself back into my life. Most of the time, I can retaliate quickly with prayer and affirmations, but there are times it is much harder to fight that fight.
There are still times I give in and begin to believe the lies that Satan is putting in my mind.
You aren’t a good enough mom.
You aren’t a good enough wife.
You aren’t a good enough friend.
You aren’t a good enough Christian.
Let me tell you something. Those lies are DESTRUCTIVE.
It doesn’t have to be well with your circumstances to be well with your soul. –Jennifer Rothschild
How often do you feel a wellness in your soul? How often do you beat yourself up? How often do you say silent lies to yourself? The words we say to ourselves have so much influence on who we are. They can poison our minds and turn us into big lumps of sadness.
[Tweet “God didn’t give us words to hurt ourselves. He uses words to create. #positivebodyimage “]
Our words have influence, but only God’s words have power. –Jennifer Rothschild
Words we say to ourselves can destroy us: I’m ugly; I hate my body; I hate myself; I am so insecure…
But God’s words can breath life into us: grace, love and forgiveness.
The mouth speaks from the overflow of the heart. Matthew 12:34
If your heart has been made new in Christ, then ask Him to help you change the words you use when you speak to yourself. Are your words hurtful? Or are they filled with kindness and truth?
The Enemy of your soul would love to stifle you with self-condemnation, lies, and ill-fitting words so your thoughts become a jumbled mess that controls you. He would love for you to keep listing the same old negative, untruthful stuff you’ve always listed. –Jennifer Rothschild
The enemy wants nothing more than to destroy you. When you speak to yourself in a hurtful manner, you hurt the One who created you. He designed you. He made you. He has plans for you. You are his beautiful creation! Fill your thoughts with truth! Fill your thoughts with words that are pleasing to the Lord!
Dear Heavenly Father,
Please help me turn the ugly words I say to myself into beautiful words. Please help me recognize that my struggles do not define me. Help me to recognize that I am beautifully and wonderfully made by you. You created me. I am beautiful. Help change my heart towards myself. Help me learn how to love who You made me to be. Amen.
**Linking up with Christian Mommy Blogger!**
Keeping the lies at bay is a struggle that ebbs and flows for me. Fortunately, my husband helps me to focus on the truth.
linda recently posted…Sabbath Words…Harmony
I think so many of us have this problem. It is a hard one to overcome. But with the help of God’s truth, it can be conquered! It makes such a difference when you have someone to remind you of those truths.
Great post! The devil loves it when we tear down Gods masterpiece with negative words. As Psalm 139 says, we are fearfully and wonderfully made and God has a perfect plan for our lives.
Yvonne chase recently posted…She Wants A Baby, He Doesn’t…What Do You Do?
I imagine my kids tearing themselves down and how much it would hurt my heart. (I have a toddler so I haven’t experienced that yet!) But I can only imagine God feels the same way when we tear ourselves down.
What great encouragement! I do catch myself telling lies to myself, and they’re easy to believe because it feels like self-reflection. But they are not the truths of God. Thank you for your reminder that God’s words breathes life into us, and we ought to fill our lives, minds, hearts with those words. Stopping by as your neighbor from Fellowship Fridays link party.
Angela recently posted…I Don’t Want Boaz
God’s word certainly does breathe life into us!
Speak the truth, Stephanie! I’m always telling clients to stop berating themselves for being disorganized or whatever. It’s just a waste of energy. The world has plenty of negative things to say to us, so we need to speak positive words to ourselves and listen to God’s truth about our value…. the loudest human voice in our lives is our own!
Seana turner recently posted…Projects vs. Tasks
Amen!!!! Amen!!! Amen!!!!
Stephanie recently posted…{Me, Myself and Lies} Am I good enough?