So, lest we start mourning what will be lost, we must celebrate all that’s being gained through this process. “I can” instead of “I can’t” is a powerful little twist for a girl feeling deprived. -Lysa from Made to Crave This “process” refers to the way we think about ourselves in a given situation. Sometimes […]
7 Things to Remember when Making a Big Decision
My imperfections will never override God’s promises. God’s promises are not dependent on my ability to always choose well, but rather on His ability to use well. –Lysa TerKeurst Do you struggle with making decisions? Is there an easier way to make a decision without all the stress and anxiety? Over the […]
3 Ways to Battle Destructive Thoughts
Christ is grace and truth, and He is our standard. That means your soul talk is to be permeated with grace and truth. If it’s not gracious, stop talking to yourself that way. Jennifer Rothschild I haven’t blogged as much since our move 2 years ago. Why? Because this has […]
{Me, Myself and Lies} Focusing on Things Above
Let the words of my mouth and the meditation of my heart be acceptable in thy sight, O Lord, my strength, and my redeemer. Psalm 19:14 What kind of words fill your thought closet? What does meditation look like to you? We all meditate, whether you know it or not! Meditation simply means to contemplate, […]
{Me, Myself and Lies} Am I good enough?
A couple years ago, I conquered the perfection infection (mostly), but can I admit something? Sometimes it tries to wiggle itself back into my life. Most of the time, I can retaliate quickly with prayer and affirmations, but there are times it is much harder to fight that fight. There are still times I give […]