So I am currently getting my learning on 😉 I am taking the Sits-tah 31 Days to a Better Blog online class! I am ready to take this blog to the next level and I am learning how to do just that! Over the next month, you will see slow changes to the blog. I am learning so much and it’s a fantastic learning experience. I definitely encourage you to enroll in their next set of classes!
Each day, we have a lesson, a reading, and an assignment. And that’s where you come in!
My assignment is to find fellow bloggers in my niche that would like to guest post for me and in return, if you like (and I hope you do!), I will guest post for you as well! It’s a great networking tool! Come on SCC girls, let’s network!
Topics I am looking for you to guest post about:
1) your weight loss story
2) Body image – personal experience overcoming negative body image
3) fitness tips/running tips etc
Please email me at or post a comment!
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