Yesterday’s blizzard made PERFECT snow for a snowman. So we thought we would take E out to play in the snow and build a snowman, which he was very excited about. Until we stepped outside.
Then it became an epic fail.
At least for E.
Mommy and Daddy had fun.
It took a bit for E to adjust to the brightness of the snow. I had to coerce him out from his mittens. I offered him sunglasses but he was to mad to respond with anything else but NO! I offered him my hat, which was also followed with a big NO! Eventually he decided it would be good to wear a hat, but only because it’s daddy’s. Daddy’s hats are much cooler than Moms.
We were only outside for about 30 minutes, and E spent most of his time finding something to be upset about.
Whether it was “I stuck, I stuck!!!” in the deep snow…
Or falling on to his bottom.
He did have a few moments where he paused from his tears to help daddy with the snowman.
And to have a “snow bite” as he likes to call it.
And of course, an outside adventure wouldn’t be complete without a bite of dirt.
Whoops! (thankful for a soft landing!)
(And here I am, the stellar parent taking pictures of my crying child…)
Don’t be a mommy hater. I snapped my picture and quickly came to his rescue.
Mom, please take me inside! I’ve had enough of the snow.
So we took our pic with our finished snowman and went inside. And then E promptly had a meltdown because he wanted, in his words, “More snow!!! Outside!!! Play!!! Snow!!!!”
Whaaaat??? I’m confused.
Oh wait. You’re two. You always confuse me. But I love you with all my heart!
Even if you love snow, hate snow, then love snow again.
Kristen Daukas says
Oh bless his heart. Been there though.. it’s so anticlimactic when they don’t have the fun we envision they should 😉 Great one to share for #LOBS!!
Kristen Daukas recently posted…Cry Me a (frozen) River – Ladies Only Blog Share #LOBS
Stephanie says
It was hilarious and sad at the same time!!
Stephanie recently posted…{Experiencing Peace} Embracing God’s Peace
KG says
That is such a cute post. I loved when you wrote, don’t be a Mommy hater. hahaha!
Yeah, 2 year olds are extremely confusing. One minute they love you, the next they don’t want anything to do with you!
KG recently posted…Touched …is officially OPEN!!
Stephanie says
LOL! Yes they are. They never know what they want!
Kammie @ Sensual Appeal says
Hahah your little boy is too cute 🙂
Kammie @ Sensual Appeal recently posted…Currently: February
Stephanie says
Thanks!!! 🙂
Tracie says
I remember those exhausting toddler years well. For my daughter, the love/hate relationship was with her kiddie pool.
Great snowman! (I love snow, but we never get it down here in Florida)
Tracie recently posted…The Tuskegee Airmen: They Dared To Fly
Stephanie says
Thanks!!! Daddy had to make an Aggie snowman 😉 I love Florida! Totally could live where the weather is nice year round minus the hurricanes!!! says
I kind of feel the same way! No, I just hate it. No, it was really pretty when it was coming down. But now we have to clean up all those broken tree branches. But it’s really pretty. But it’s such a mess and people keep getting stuck in our driveway. But it looks gorgeous out there.
Visiting from SITS. recently posted…Raspberry Cream Cake
Stephanie says
lol!!! His thoughts were: I hate this snow. I hate this snow!! oh, its tasty to eat…I hate this snow! Oh, its fun to help daddy build a snowman. *slips in snow* I hate snow!!!
Thanks for stopping by 🙂
Alecia says
hahaha, that’s hilarious, E is Precious!!! I too have a love hate relationship with snow, I feel his pain 🙂
Visiting from SITS!!
Stephanie says
I love snow so he gets no sympathy from his Momma 😉 I’m sure he’s glad someone relates to him though! Thanks for stopping by!!!
Angie says
Ahh… Gotta love toddlers!
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Stephanie says
hahaha! No means no, and no means yes! What?? Toddlers…exhausting!!!
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