It’s the final day of the Spring Chick Challenge!!!!
When I started the Spring Chick Challenge in January, this was me.
And this is me at the end of this challenge…fixing dog treats a few days ago. Because I realize I never take pictures of myself (other than my progress pictures) and this is one my husband took of me on his iphone. He took it to prove to me that I looked “skinny.”
Hey, I’ll take it!
Although for the record, I am not trying to get “skinny.” I am trying to get HEALTHY.
Yes, I could have taken a picture today, but that would mean either A) taking a gross sweaty picture post workout or B) getting out of my comfy clothes and doing my makeup and hair post shower.
And I don’t wanna.
I’m cozy!
Moral of the story here- I need to get over the “I don’t need to look perfect” for the camera thing. I realize I have a TON of pictures of Eli and Daddy, but very few pictures of Eli and Mommy. That is because Mommy never feels picture worthy. I really gotta work on that.
The Spring Chick Challenge started on January 2 and ended today, March 19.
And here’s the scoop.
Beginning weight on Jan 2- 133 lbs
Today’s weight- 127.6 lbs
Loss of: 5.4 lbs
Right arm- 11- (loss of 1/4″)
Left arm- 11 (no change)
Chest- 36″ (loss of 2 1/2″)
Waist- 35 1/2″ (loss of 1/2″)
hips- 35″ (loss of 1″)
Right upper thigh: 20″ (loss of 1″) Left upper thigh: 19 1/2″ (loss of 1 1/2″)
Right lower thigh: 16 1/2″ (loss of 3/4″) Left lower thigh: 16 1/2″ (loss of 3/4″)
Total inches lost- 8.25″
I lost 5.4 lbs and 8.25″!!!
YEEEEESSS!! It doesn’t seem like alot but it really has made a drastic difference. I can see such a difference in my body’s shape. My legs are so much more tone. I have muscles! My pants don’t fit. My boobs are smaller (well, considering what they were) and I so need new bras. I seriously have gone from a size 36 bra to a size 30!! I have no clothes that fit me…at all. The stuff I bought a couple months ago doesn’t fit! I am doing a closet cleanout AKA de-fatting my closet this week and you can bet there will be a blogpost about it!
My main goal for the Spring Chick Challenge was to log 122 workouts between January 2-March 19. That meant 12 workouts a week, requiring on average 1.5 to 2 hours of workout time 6 days a week. I admit there were some makeup days in there, when the schedule got crazy and I couldn’t commit to that time every day. But I was determined to do it and I did have makeup days and I am so proud to say:
I completed 122 workouts!!!
Work it Snoopy! Work it!
Because I am a sucker for challenges, (and highly motivated by them!), I will be joining the Ready For Summer Challenge and will be blogging weekly about my progress.
We would love to have you join us!
Yea!! You did awesome on this challenge and you look amazing! Looking forward to the next challenge!!
Thank you sooo much! I am looking forward to the next challenge as well!