Did you have an amazing Valentine’s Day? I did! And I just have to share, and show off the fact that I am married to an amazing man!
This whole past week Mr. Smartypants has been up to something. I had no idea if it was for my birthday which is around the corner or if it was for V-day. But he was acting suspicious. I sent him the following text and about died when I saw his response.
Yesterday, I found out what his sneakiness was all about. I took part in what I like to call “The Great Valentine’s Extravaganza” also known as the best valentine’s day ever.
I awoke (like literally just woke up in this fabulous picture) to this note about 45 minutes after my sweet husband had left for work.
My plans were to meet my friend Janee at my favorite coffeehouse and work with her on setting up her blog while our kids were at Mothers Day Out. She’s joining me in the bloggy world YAY! I texted her this picture and told her that my plans had apparently changed and she texted me back saying “I know. Have a fun day!” Whhhhaaaat? She was in on it! Meanwhile, I’m sitting here wondering what the heck he can have planned that would take all day. We live in a small town so what could he possibly have me go do all day!?
I drop of this cutie at school for his Valentine’s Day party and get card #2. WHOOHOO! I so needed an adjustment!
I go see Dr. P and tell him about this scavenger hunt that I am on. He acts innocent and as I am leaving (after an adjustment and 15 minutes in a massage chair YA!) , he pops his head into the front office and says “I may or may not have known this whole time what is going on…” Whhhaat?? Another person in on it! The girls in the office give me yet another card. Now I’m off to get my nails done!! I am so overwhelmed with happiness and shock that I am literally driving around town with this goofy look on my face. People probably thought I was off my rocker 😉
It’s been probably about 2 years since I have had a manicure and pedicure. Seriously, I think the last one I had was the night before I went into labor with E. It felt so good to get pampered, despite the fact that I felt the need to keep apologizing for my hairy legs. I didn’t have any warning that I was getting a pedicure and it’s winter…enough said. And my hair is blonde. So you gotta really look hard anyway to see it 😉
The salon hands over my next card that says I still get to go to my fave coffeehouse followed by a massage with my friend Kelsey who is a massage therapist! I text Janee, “Hey! I get to go to the Brew today afterall!” Her reply, “I know! I’m waiting!!”
I head to the brew and have lunch with my precious friend 🙂 And I’m still walking around with this goofy smile plastered to my face…like permenantly!
After lunch, I headed off to see Kelsey. The massage was amazing and I am pretty sure I just became a regular customer. I’d only experienced a swedish massage before and that was a one time event when we visited Europe 4 years ago. Kelsey did a mix of swedish and deep tissue massage. I’m pretty sure I am addicted now! After the massage, Kelsey handed over my next note. I’m really trying to brainstorm what the heck he can possibly do to top all this…and I open it to reveal that I am going to get my hair done! WOW!!! I call Mr. Smartypants still in shock. “What about our son?! I have to go pick up our son!” His reply, “No you don’t. It’s covered.” Once again…WOW.
I arrive at the Salon to find Maggie. I had never met Maggie before, but we clicked right off the bat! She was a sweet gal who radiated happiness and fun! We chatted for 2 hours while she gave me a wedding worthy updo. It was sooooooooooo much fun! I opened the next card which said simply to “go home and get ready.”
I arrive home to a super squishy, romantic, make- your- eyes- water card taped to the door. And then the door opened to reveal a very snazzy dressed up husband!
I got ready and still had no idea what we were doing. But we sure were fancy!!!
After we were all fancied up, we headed over to my sweet friend Emilee’s house which happened to be during bath time for the boys! She was in on it too!! She picked up E from school and I had no clue until we were heading over to her house that E was spending the night!! We had the whole night to ourselves! We could stay out late and sleep in! YAAA!! Emilee, you are the best!!!!
After a 50 minute drive, we finally arrived in the “big city” at our destination, a fancy little restaurant called “Manna.” I gave Mr. Smartypants his gift- one hour gift certificate for a professional massage which I’m pretty sure he knew he was getting. I was not quite as sneaky as he was. We then enjoyed a romantic candlelit 4 course meal with live music. It was so fancy and such a fun experience! After dessert, our waitress gave me a rose and Mr. Smartypants some chocolates. So fun!!
It was such a memorable Valentine’s Day! I felt sooo pampered and loved!!! My hubby always makes me feel loved, but he went far and beyond what I would have ever expected. All that planning. All that running around town to make everything fall into place. All those conversations with my girl friends about nails and hair. All the thoughtfulness and love that went into creating an event for me!!
I seriously have an amazing husband. I am blessed beyond words to call him mine 🙂
Stephanie, I was so taken by this story that I forgot to comment right away! Well here I am. Thanks for linking this up to our Ladies Only Blog Share Link Party!
I adore his attention to details. I would have been at the edge of my seat all day. It’s so nice that he paid so much attention to what would make a wonderful day for you.
Tamara recently posted…Fly Away, Ask Away & Ladies Only Blog Share!
I must admit I was more and more shocked as the day went by. It was soooooo much fun and I am one lucky gal! I love my hubby so much!
Stephanie recently posted…{Experiencing Peace} Hand over the Keys to your Heart
That is such an amazing Valentine’s Day. I am confident you will remember it for years to come!!
Crystal Green recently posted…Snow in SC
It was Ah-Mazing!!!! I am sooo blessed!
Stephanie recently posted…The Great Valentine’s Extravaganza
This had to be one of the sweetest things I have ever read. What a guy! So glad you had such a pampered day. You deserve it!
(BTW, you crack me up. Seriously. And I, too, have blonde hairy legs in the winter. Except for today, but that’s because yesterday was Valentine’s day and I wanted to feel cute. Bwahahahahaha…)
Angie recently posted…Review: Apologia Exploring Creation With Zoology 1: Flying Creatures Of The Fifth Day
Thank you! It was such an incredible day. I felt like a princess ALL DAY!
And you did better than me in the shaving department. I didn’t shave…until 10 minutes before we were leaving so I could wear a dress LOL!!
Stephanie recently posted…The Great Valentine’s Extravaganza