Yes, Shawn T, you did indeed kick our booty yet again!
We have completed 2 weeks of Insanity and while we have gotten stronger, we still feel like death after each workout. We did see improvement on our fit tests, some inches lost and the hubby saw some weight loss. We have decided it best to “gross you out” with our pictures every 4 weeks, rather than every fit test. Plus we will probably be able to see more of a drastic difference in photos after 4 weeks vs every 2 weeks. Lucky for your eyeballs this week, huh? 😉
Insanity Fit Test #2
Stephanie’s Measurements
Weight: 127.6 (gain of 0.8, but thats ok!)
Left arm: 11 1/4″
Right arm: 11 1/4″
Chest: 36 1/2″ (loss of 1/2″)
Waist: 35 1/2″
Hips: 35 1/2″ (loss of 1/2″)
Right upper thigh: 20″ (loss of 1″) Left upper thigh: 19 1/2″ (loss of 1 1/2″)
Right lower thigh: 16 1/2″ (loss of 3/4″) Left lower thigh: 16 1/2″ (loss of 3/4″)
Total inches lost: 5 inches!!!
*Number represents how many reps achieved in 1 minute*
Switch Kicks- 54 (improved by 4)
Power Jacks- 48 (improved by 8)
Power Knees- 86 (improved by 16!)
Power Jumps- 34 (improved by 4)
Globe Jumps- 9 (4 Jumps=1 rep) (improved by 1)
Suicide Jumps- 11 (very similar to a burpee) (improved by 1)
Push up Jacks- 14 (improved by 4)
Low Plank Oblique- 60 (improved by 10)
Remember at the last Fit Test, I introduced you to The Hubby. Well, he has decided that he wants a nickname on the blog. (He knows who Marlboro Man and The Chick Magnet are…)and has decided he wants his own nickname. I asked him what he would like to be called and based on the fact that he is nearly done with his PhD and he dresses like this at work…
I introduce you to:
Dr. Hubby
Dr. Hubby’s Measurements
Weight: 251.6 (loss of 1.4 lbs)
Left Arm: 14 1/2″
Right Arm: 14 1/2″
Chest: 45 1/2″
Waist: 45 1/2″
Hips: 44 1/2″ (loss of 1 1/2″)
Right upper thigh: 27″ (loss of 1/2″) Left upper thigh: 27″ (loss of 1/2″)
Right lower thigh: 22 1/4″ ( loss of 1 1/4″) Left lower thigh: 21 3/4″ (2 1/4″)
Total inches lost: 6 inches!
*Number represents how many reps achieved in 1 minute*
Switch Kicks- 37 (improved by 14)
Power Jacks- 55 (improved by 5)
Power Knees- 85 (improved by 21!)
Power Jumps- 28 (improved by 3)
Globe Jumps- 7 (4 Jumps=1 rep) (improved by 2)
Suicide Jumps- 12 (very similar to a burpee) (improved by 2)
Push up Jacks- 11 (improved by 4)
Low Plank Oblique- 37 (improved by 3)
And as promised…
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